Adobe’s XMP Adobe’s XMP is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, as metadata, into the file itself. See additional info Animated Gif A GIF file that consists of a series of “frames” that play one after another. This gives the graphic the appearance of a moving picture. Analytics: Analytics is sophisticated reporting designed to determine the who, what, where, when and why. You can use analytics to understand the attributes of your customers. You can group results by demographic, psychographics or other criteria. Attribute. Attributes modify elements with a range of types and values. An attribute is made up of two parts, an attribute name and an attribute value. For example, in div align=”center”, align is the attribute name and center is the attribute value. Attributes that are in conformance with a given specification are declared in the DTD for that specification. Author. The author is the individual who writes the document. _______________________________________ Bandwidth Usually refers to the amount of information that can be transferred over an Internet connection in a given amount of time. Banner One of the most common ways to advertise on the Internet. A banner is normally an animated graphic file used for advertising on a website with a link directing traffic to the banners site. CASSIE and IAB created online advertising standards. Button When used in an application, a small graphical element that can be “pushed” to cause an action to happen. When used in an advertising context, a small or rectangular click able graphical element used as a hyperlink. _______________________________________ Cache An area on a computer where web pages are stored temporarily. When the page is requested again, rather than being downloaded over the Internet connection, the page is retrieved from the cache. This saves on bandwidth. This behavior can also be set as a preference in the browser. CERT The Computer Emergency Response Team. This team attempts to track down hackers who cause widespread damage on the Web by their activities. CGI The acronym stands for Common Gateway Interface, and is a set of standards by which servers communicate with external programs. A HTML form hands off data to a CGI script running on a server. The script processes the form data and generates a response. Click-through This refers to the action of actually clicking on an ad. Advertisers assume that when a link is clicked, the person who clicks will actually move (click-through) from the page with the ad to the page that the ad points to. Click-through rate (CTR) This is the ratio of the number of times and ad is clicked divided by the number of times an ad is viewed. Connection Speed The speed of the connection (the bps — bits per second) that determines the rate information can be transferred from the Internet to a particular computer. This depends on the type of connection, i.e. modem, cable, DSL, etc. Conversion Measures the rate of goal achievement. It could be used to mean the number of orders or leads that are generated from an ad. Cookie A cookie is a small text string that is placed on a computer. When an Internet browser fills out information in a form, when the browser returns to the site, an application checks for the existence of a cookie. If one is found, the information that the user submitted on the form can be retrieved from the database. If a user submits information, this allows their subsequent visits to the same area to be tracked. Although several Internet applications are dependent on cookies, their use can be disabled in the browser application. For more information check Cost Per Aquisition (CPA) your marketing should depend on your total cost per each lead or traffic generated for your site. Cost per click (CPC) A method of charging for an ad depending on the number of times the ad is clicked. Cost per lead (CPL) A method of charging for an ad depending on the number of leads that are derived from the ad. Cost per sale (CPS) A method that determines the price of an ad by the number of sales that it generates. Counter A small utility that counts the number of visits to a web page. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) A method that allows styles to be defined in the Head tag or in an external file. This allows for the separation of content and presentation. _______________________________________ Data Warehouse (or Data Mart). Think of a Data Warehouse as a big bucket of data collected from the companies transaction systems. In our example, the company creates a customer data warehouse that stores all the customer purchase/sales data. If I have bought five books from them, on five different dates, the Data Mart will store the information that was originally in the sales order system. [The terms data warehouse and data mart are often used interchangeably. The data mart usually contains a subset of data from the data warehouse designed for a particular area of analysis.] Data Mining: Now that all the data is in one place, it is necessary to look for patterns or trends in that data. Data mining is an automated process that discovers those correlation in the data. Data mining uses different predictive models or algorithms like clustering or affinity to discover purchasing trends. Data mining results are generally descriptive (i.e., they describe historical data or behavior) or predictive (i.e., they predict future data or behavior). Deprecated. A deprecated element or attribute is one where a newer, more suitable method for achieving the goals of that element or attribute has come about. Deprecated elements and attributes can be used with HTML and XHTML Transitional DTDs, and there is a deprecated module in XHTML 1.1 that allows authors to reintroduce a deprecated element or attribute. DHTML (Dynamic Hyper text markup language) A collection of technologies that are being developed to make HTML more dynamic and interactive. However, there is no current set standard, and various Internet browser software differ in their implementation on DHTML. Document. In HTML, the document is considered an SGML document that meets the constraints of the HTML specification at hand. In XHTML, the document is considered an XML document. Document Type Definition (DTD). This is a master document that identifies and defines the elements, attributes, and other features in a given specification. HTML 4.0, 4.01, and XHTML 1.0 each have three DTDs from which to choose. XHTML 1.1 is based on one of the XHTML 1.0 DTDs and also allows you to create your own DTD. Dynamic Rotation A method used to rotate banner ads in a dynamic fashion, either on a random or rotating basis. _______________________________________
Extranet A network using Internet protocols to access information that is shared between businesses. Typically, applications that can be accessed privately (or through a public web site) that have levels of security and that must be accessed by a logon and password. Firewall Software that is meant to separate a company’s internal network from an external network, such as the Internet. Flame, Being Flamed, Flame War A hostile, and often derogatory, note that is posted on a discussion board or sent as an e-mail message. The person who receives the note has “been flamed”, and if an angry exchange takes place, it is referred to as a “flame war”. Flight An advertising campaign that runs for a specific web site over a specified time span. Formatting Formatting normally refers to the use of tag attributes and style sheets to determine the way an HTML page looks when it is rendered by a browser. Forms Web site visitors and users of Internet applications submit information through the use of forms. These forms allow the user to interact with an application and allow information to be passed dynamically between two points. Frames A structured way to divide an HTML page. The concept of frames was introduced by Netscape and included by the W3C as part of the HTML 4.0 specification. Front page A Microsoft application that is being used by beginners and we fix these “My friend made it” sites everyday!. _______________________________________ GIF Graphic Interchange Format. An image format developed by Compuserve. It is used mainly for line art and logos. GIF89a The GIF89a standard supports three page effects: interlacing, transparency, and animation. Graphics When used on a web page, a graphic can be any image file used on the page. web designers commonly turn text into a graphic image so that they can control how the text will look when it appears on the page. A graphic can also be a picture or art specifically created to create a “look and feel” on a web site. Guest Books Guest books are commonly used on a web site to obtain user information such as name and e-mail address. GUI Graphical User Interface. A graphical user interface is the screen (or form) that is designed to accept information from a user. It is normally composed of text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, etc. _______________________________________ Hit A hit is a record in a server log file that happens when a resource is requested from a server. If a web page is made up of HTML code and 10 graphics, when the page is requested, the server registers 10 hits. As such, it is an inaccurate measurement of measurement of web page traffic. HTML HyperText Markup Language. Hypertext markup language is the common language of the Internet and is the language used for the majority of script that define how web pages look. It has two primary features, the use of hyperlinks that allow links to be made to any other web resource and the fact that the script is a text file, which allows it to be created and viewed by any computer. HTML Editors HTML editors assist web page designers in the preparation of HTML code. There are two primary types of editors — text editors and WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). A common text editors is Homesite. Common WYSIWYG editors are Front page, and Page Mill. HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol. This is the web protocol. It is simple and stateless. No interaction occurs between the server and the client other than the call and the Hyperlink A hyperlink uses the A container tag to create hypertext characters. When clicked, the web browser software is instructed to load a particular resource specified by the href attribute of the A tag. _______________________________________ Image map An image map defines discrete clickable areas of an image that act as hyperlinks. Impression An impression is defined as the view of a page by an internet browser. In other words, if a visitor views a page that has an ad on it, that is counted as an impression. When and advertiser pays for advertising on a site, it is common that the advertiser is charged a set amount per 1000 impressions (See CPM). Interface A screen that is designed to allow user interaction. Interlaced Gif Images An interlaced GIF file has non-adjacent part of the image stored together. As a browser reads the file, it appears to fade-in over several passes. Internet The internet is a global network of computers. It was originally conceived and built by the U.S. government for defense against a centralized attack. The idea was to create a network that would be able to continue communication even if one area (or many) became inoperable. Interstitial The type of ad that many Internet users “love to hate”. Commonly designed to pop-up in front of or behind the page actually requested by the user. It then requires the user to take some type of notice or action, if only just to remove it from the viewing screen. Intranet A group of networked computers that exist within an enterprise that use Internet protocols. In other words, a private web. _______________________________________ Keyword A word or series of words used to describe the primary purpose of a website. _______________________________________ Meta The “meta” in “meta tags” arises from the term “metadata,” which means data about other data. Meta Tags There are no officially designated meta tags in HTML. Meta tags have a name and value area where keywords or content is placed within explaining the content of the pages for which they are placed. Meta Tags are used and written for SEO. _______________________________________ Obsolete. An obsolete element is one that has been removed from the specification. _______________________________________ Page View Generally, the viewing of all of the elements on a page is called a page view. However, some advertisers count a framed page view as viewing all of the frames that make up a page while others count each page as a page view to inflate the number of page views counted. Pay per Click (PPC) A type of advertising price structure where the advertiser pays depending on the number of times the published ad is clicked on. Pay per Lead (PPL) In this type of advertising payment structure, the advertiser pays depending on the number of leads actually delivered by the ad. Information can often be entered directly into the banner ad. Pay per Transaction (PPT) In this type of advertising payment structure, the advertiser payment is subject to the number of sales made from the ad. Pay per Sale (PPS) In this type of advertising payment structure, the advertising payment is subject to a percent of a sale. Perl An interpreted language commonly used to write CGI scripts. PNG Portable Network Graphics image file format (pronounced Ping). The PNG format implements transparency and interlacing as well as an Alpha channel that supports partial transparency.TIP Import PNG files into flash for the lowest possible file size. Public Key Encryption A special kind of encryption that depends on a key pair. If something is encrypted with the public key, only the person with the private key can read (decrypt) it. _______________________________________ Resource Description Framework (RDF) RDF is an enabling technology for a wide variety of projects. The following is a sample; the Resource Description Framework Applications and Projects section in the RDF Resource Guide lists many more. _______________________________________ Screen Resolution Color monitors normally give the user a number of screen resolution options. The smallest screens normally use a 640 x 480 screen resolution to fill the screen of a 15 in. monitor. If the screen resolution is set to a higher number like 800 x 600, images on the same screen will appear to be proportionally smaller. Scripts Scripts are a serier of text commands written in a particular format that can be interpreted by a script processor. Scripts allow dynamic interaction with HTML pages. SSR System Service Request Obtaining maintenance requests requires that a formal pro-cess be established whereby users can submit system change requests. A user request document called a Systems Service Request (SSR). Most com-panies have some sort of document like an SSR to request new development, to report problems, or to request new system features with an existing system. SWF Shockwave Flash file (.swf). Can be referred to as a “swiff.” This is the file format of a rendered Macromedia Flash file. It is used as s standalone Flash web site or as elements such as navigation and banners animated logo’s Intro’s etc.. _______________________________________ Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. _______________________________________ URL Uniform Resource Locators. In simple terms this is your site’s address, the name or numbers that appear in the address window of your browser. User agent. A user agent is a device that is capable of interpreting HTML or XHTML markup. It might be a visual Web browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, a text-based browser (remember Lynx?), a browser in a PDA or cell phone, or any other device used by the user to access a document. _______________________________________ Validation. This is the process in which a document that you write is tested against the DTD that you’ve declared for that document. It is important in HTML 4.0 and 4.01, but validation is specifically required in XHTML. Well-formed. A well-formed document is one in which all elements are properly nested, their attribute values are properly quoted, and the other syntactical constraints are followed. Well-formed ness is a critical issue in XHTML. |